Fosse Way

The Fosse Way

Crossing the A422

The next two photos show the Fosse Way's junction with the A422. It is a staggered junction, and if you've been putting your foot down on that long straight, you'll need the excessive signage to remind you that you have to stop and give way to traffic on the A422.

I can remember passing through this junction as a child (a long time ago, but long after the Romans) and the chequer board effect was there then, but the yellow backed signs are a recent addition.

I've an idea that in those days (late 70s / early 80s), this section of the Fosse Way was an unclassified road. A quick check on an old atlas confirms that this was the case.

Fosse Way Fosse Way Fosse Way

It is more of the same for now as we continue our drive in a north-easterly direction. These photos were taken at the end of October, 2005 and the Autumn colours are just beginning to appear in the trees. Is it my imagination, or has Autumn arrived late this year?

Fosse Way Fosse Way Fosse Way