B1106 - Through Thetford Forest
This page came about following a trip to Center Parcs at Elveden just after Easter, 2005. En route, we took a trip via the B1106 from Bury St Edmunds through Fornham, turning left at a roundabout (more of that later), then heading north to Elveden Cross Roads on the A11. To see the area on a map, click here.
This page contains my pictures of the B1106 as it runs through the forest between the A11 and the roundabout at Fornham. The other page in this section is Tom Sutch's page, taken from his now defunct Apex Corner site. As ever, I am grateful for the opportunity to give these photos a new home.
We begin at a picnic area half way between Elveden and Fornham. In fact it is one of these woodland activity stops, where you get the opportunity to balance on some logs in order to break your journey (but hopefully not your arm or leg).
Hmmm. Perhaps we should move onto the roads.
Still near the picnic area / activity trail. This time we have a view looking in each direction up and down the B1106 as it passes through the forest.

Looking from the road into the trees. Note the well defined track.

The final two pictures are taken further south.