Winnats Pass - Page 2

The first two pictures set the scene for the road. The first is taken looking downwards from the western end of the pass. Already we can see the steep hillsides and get a feel for how confined the road is.
The second is taken from highground to the north of the road, looking east towards Castleton. In the foreground, the car park for Speedwell cavern is visible on the right hand road. The left hand road is the former A625. In the background on the right hand side, the tall chimney stack of the Hope Valley Cement works can be seen - the only blot on the landscape in this area.

The third picture is taken looking east through the pass - here we see the entrance to a cave, one of many in the area, which include the world famous Blue John cavern and the Speedwell cavern. The final picture on this page also looks east from the high ground above the pass. As well as another view of the Speedwell car park, it helps to give an idea of the depth of the ravine as the road disappears into the steep valley to the right of the picture.